
Sorority Life.

Does anyone remember that show that came on MTV? It was about the "lives" (producer- created, of course) of college girls going through sorority rush and then living in a house together while pledging. It was filled with all kinds of drama- duh- and ended up being the catalyst of social commentary on the dangers/evils/horrors/morality of joining a sorority. To be honest, I did experience similar drama in my sorority and with the other sororities on campus (there were only 3 and that fact bred some serious competition between the organizations- Greek Week was nuts). It's a commonly known fact, girls don't get along when forced to live together and spend every minute in each other's company. Also, there is typically such different kinds of personalities thrown together in one group (especially in my sorority) that personalities just WILL NOT mesh. So, I have to say that after watching that show, I agree that sorority life can sometimes be like that.

I did experience amazing moments in my sorority. I made friends for life, one of which was recently a bridesmaid in my wedding- and I had some great fun. Things that don't even stand out at the time as things that I would remember now, like midnight trips to Krispy Kreme, scavenger hunts that led down to the baseball field dugout where we all came together and revealed our sincere hopes for the girls we called our sisters, lunches in the cafeteria where I couldn't even eat because I laughed so hard the whole time, a Greek Week performance of The Cell Block Tango from Chicago the Musical, the trip to Savannah where I got my first (and only) tattoo, my candleblow revealing my engagement, the Big Sis/Lil Sis revealings that touched my heart, and creating the sisterhood videos for recruitment-- these things make me smile and I think back to those wonderful times and how amazing I felt. I love my sisters, even those that I had "difficulty" with. They made me who I am and I love them for it.

With that said, I must comment on something that has become a sort of epidemic in my sorority, mostly since I have left. Well that's not true. Two of them occurred while I was there. See, I love my sorority sisters and this is not a commentary on them or their choices or even their behavior, really. I just have to say something. SOMETHING. See, out of the three sororities on campus, only my sorority sisters (and those who joined but never were initiated) have been careless (and, yes, you all know its true) to get pregnant while still in school. Granted, three of the four [YEP FOUR] were in relationships with the person who impregnated them at the time and at this moment all three of those relationships are in tact (two are married to the baby's daddy). Two of the three were very upfront with everyone about the pregnancy- even had a candleblow (that's what we do to announce lavaliers, engagements, and pregnancies) to tell the sisters. We had baby showers for them and gave them every bit of support. These two are the ones who are married to the father of the baby. Both of them finished school (one graduated before the baby was born and the other had the baby and came back to finish). While it may not have been planned and may not have been the best time, these two handled the whole thing with maturity and honesty and I respect them for it.

HOWEVER, I did have one sorority sister who was not in a relationship when she got pregnant and she tried to hide it. I think she got pregnant in January, and we weren't getting out of school until May- this girl is a petite TINY little thing and all of a sudden her boobs got huge and she started gaining weight only in her belly. People even asked her and she denied it the whole time. Well, until her roommate found folic acid in her stuff. Um. yeah, she knows she preggers. Anyway, she kept denying it and finally let the whole thing out during the summer to her bff (also in my sorority) and the whole time she was under the impression that she would just have the baby and then come back to school. GIRL. I've never been responsible for an infant before, but I imagine it's not like a puppy. You can't just leave the baby in a crate while you go to school and parties and such. Her parents were rich, though, and she was able to get a lot of help with child care and all the baby stuff. Turns out, she never came back, but she did finish school back where she was from- Jersey. I mean, good for her-- she's married now, but I wish she could have just been honest. Its difficult to be happy for someone who lied to you for so long. Ya know?

So, you must be wondering what brought this whole subject into light for me in the first place?! Well, this girl, who accepted a bid to join my sorority and then dropped before initiation- I don't think I have to consider her my sister- is pregnant. She hasn't admitted it publicly. Whatever. I don't really care. The only thing I have a problem with is the fact that she just got engaged to the baby's daddy (assuming she's been faithful, because LORD KNOWS he hasn't). Okay, so my problem really isn't with her. It's with him. HE is a jerk. He dated my lil sis in the sorority for three years and while doing so, screwed this girl from his hometown multiple times and never told my lil sis. Worse still, that girl ended up at my college, joined my sorority and befriended my lil sis and ME all the while, sleeping with my lil's boyfriend. Um, yeah...hoochie. Anyway, so he and my lil break up (before she knows) THANK GOD and my lil is now with this great guy and I'm so happy for her-- but she's had to deal with an incredible amount of backstabbing and heartbreak over the whole thing because HER LIL SIS sided with the hoochie and others did too. It was just an awful situation and I'm so glad that she was able to get out of there. Well, this wretched jerk ended up getting together with his fiance' after breaking up with my lil and was still sleeping with that other girl (the hoochie). Now they're engaged. Who knows if he's still sleeping with the hoochie?! It's just disgusting. And none of her friends will tell her (the fiancee') whats going on because they are all sorority sisters with the hoochie. Ugh.

I know that sounded like a horrible high school rant and drama drama drama-- well, except for the pregnant/engaged part, I hope there's not a whole lot of high schoolers out there with those issues-- but I just had to say something and I felt like I could burden you all with it. So there you go.

Have you ever experienced drama like this and felt like you just had to tell someone? Anything juicy?


Anonymous said...

Well, the drama you speak of involves social taboos and trust. I'm not sure if my drama is the same thing. Me and my ex were pregnant, but we were not ready at all. So we went to get an abortion, only to find out that she miscarried anyway.

Without names, the last paragraph in the post confused me. But the guy was a pig.

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